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About Coach Hayley

I am the coach that I am, because of the coach/mentor/help I needed when I was younger.


My drive for fitness began from an unhealthy state of mind. I wanted to shrink myself, for the approval and validation of others. So, I ran, did squats and sit ups in my room, but with no knowledge of how to actually achieve fat loss... which was a blessing in disguise!

It was a couple of years later, after some personal development, where I got my first personal trainer that I began to build an evidence backed and healthy relationship with exercise. My PT build my knowledge and confidence in exercise form + selection, as well as dissolving my belief that I had to be stick thin to be beautiful... this was when I saw muscle as not just something for men... but something that I could rock too!!

Fast forward to 2020, having had another PT in this time too, accumulating more knowledge and understanding of training styles, intensities & science, I started seeing the most physical progress I ever have!! I was training 5-6 times a week, following a structured training program and soon discovered/pursued my desire to help people do the same. Mid 2020 I began studying to become a personal trainer, beginning work in the industry straight away, gaining experience and even more knowledge specific to a wide variety of people from all walks of life! Soon, I started my study in nutrition to become a qualified nutritionists in order to bring an even richer value to my clients to be able to help them reach their goals beyond training. 

After almost 3 years now and having worked with hundreds of people, both face-to-face and online, I have accumulated so much more knowledge that I continuously feed back into my coaching. 


8 years ago, I dived head first into mindset work/personal development; creating not just a capable body but a strong AF mind!! Your body and life will only ever go as far as your mind is willing to... after all, your external reality is only a reflection of your internal. Self-awareness is one thing (one huge thing), but building the skills and confidence it takes to actually leverage that self-awareness into your desired results is something else!! My experience has given me so much knowledge that I have not only created my own epic external reality, based off my internal, but I yield the passion and power to teach others how to do the same!

My mission is to reach and teach as many people as I can, how to create their happiest and healthiest life, in the most sustainable way possible! And no, it's not necessarily easy, but it is f*cking worth it!!


My coaching and education spaces are for those wanting to actually create epic change and elevation in their life... not just dream about it! 

Work With Me 1:1

Whether you want to lose fat, tone up, get strong, fit or just improve overall health + confidence, apply for 1:1 online coaching with me to start this change today!!

Remember: nothing changes if nothing changes.